It promotes optimal and long-term maintenance and rehabilitation of mental function and may prevent the development of certain neurodevelopmental disorders during pregnancy.
How is WTN Choline Cream superior to other choline-containing products?
- It is a complex formulation containing several forms of choline (Alpha-GPC, CDP-choline L-choline bitartrate, phosphatidylcholine), thus providing a much more complete biological effect than using only one source of choline.
- The alpha-GPC (alpha-glycerophosphocholine) in the product is able to cross the blood-brain barrier (other forms of choline cannot) and thus results in very good bioavailability and efficacy.
- The rarely used form of cytocholine (CDP-choline) is also an effective promoter of cognitive abilities due to its high cost price, but its additional effects on nervous system function are also positive. Jego biodostępność jest również doskonała, podobnie jak w przypadku Alpha-GPC.
- Krem został opracowany przy użyciu opatentowanej przez WTN technologii Aminosorption, która przenosi dostarczanie składników aktywnych do skóry na nowy poziom. Zwiększa to skuteczność działania produktu.
- Zniesienie funkcji ochronnej skóry jest również obowiązkiem, dlatego kładziemy również duży nacisk na wysoką jakość stosowanych zaróbek (ponieważ mogą one również dostać się do organizmu).
- Stosowane zaróbki (emulgatory, oleje roślinne itp.) Zapewniają doskonałe nawilżenie skóry.
Główne składniki kremu WTN Kolin i ich działanie:
Alpha-GPC (alfa-glicerofosfocholina)Alpha-GPC (alfa-glicerofosfocholina) to naturalny fosfolipid zawierający cholinę. Jest to pochodna choliny, która łatwo przekracza barierę krew-mózg i jest szybko wchłaniana. Działa poprzez zwiększenie syntezy i uwalniania neuroprzekaźnika acetylocholiny w mózgu, tj. it is involved in memory function, motivation, attention regulation and skeletal muscle contraction.
It is more bioavailable than other choline derivatives and effectively enhances the production of acetylcholine neurotransmitters in the brain.
Ingestion of alpha-GPC has many other potential benefits, such as:
- It may improve memory and learning ability,
- in Alzheimer's disease and similar conditions with cognitive function loss, it may also be beneficial in supporting brain function in those affected,
- athletes may also benefit because it can help enhance physical performance and is responsible for action potential, which stimulates muscle contraction,
- may improve vitality and increase stamina by helping muscles to recover after exercise,
- can also increase dopamine levels, which significantly improves brain function,
- increase the production of growth hormone in the human body.
Citicoline (CDP-Choline)Cytocholine (CDP-choline) i Jest prekursorem i ważnym budulcem do syntezy fosfatydylocholiny i acetylocholiny, które są ważne dla naszego organizmu. W ten sposób odgrywa pośrednią rolę w tworzeniu i odmładzaniu błon komórek mózgowych, a także w komunikacji komórek nerwowych i zapamiętywaniu.
Ponadto cytocholina odgrywa również inne ważne role w:
- Może pomóc chronić i wspierać zdrowie wątroby, pomóc w regeneracji komórek wątroby i optymalizacji funkcji wątroby,
- ma właściwości neuroprotekcyjne, tj. it can protect nerve cells,
- may play a role in restoring brain function and regenerating nerve cells,
- increases brain activity and energy production by neuronal mitochondria,
- in other words, it can play a role in supporting positive mood and motivation by increasing dopamine levels,
- regulates the efficiency of connections between nerve cells,
- plays a role in the synthesis of cell membranes,
- It has been shown to slow the deterioration of dementia, playing a role in mitigating the effects of memory loss,
- it also has antioxidant activity,
- can stimulate glutathione synthesis and increase the activity of the enzyme glutathione reductase,
- improve the overall integrity of the neuronal membrane at the cellular level.
Phosphatidylcholine (from GMO-free sunflower)Phosphatidylcholine is the second most important phospholipid in the human body. It is virtually ubiquitous, being the building block of cell membranes.
Note: phosphatidylcholine is formed into alpha-GPC (when the two fatty acid chains in the molecule are detached).
Although phosphatidylcholine is traditionally used to support brain health, it is also used to:
- supports liver function, may help liver repair and regeneration and may help keep cholesterol levels under control,
- may help regulate the metabolism of fats, and as a building block for cell membranes, may help emulsify and break down fats,
- increase levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain,
- contributes to the repair of the liver, to prevent side effects of drugs,
- may alleviate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, may contribute to the resolution of gallstones
- may play a role in digestive processes and in maintaining intestinal health, may promote the production of bile acid,
- may support skin hydration and elasticity by acting as a building material for
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